Smoothie King Trick Shot Sweepstakes image


Prizes: Trip for 2 to Frisco, TX for Dude Perfect Experien

Value: $138,000

Entry: Enter Free Daily

Expires: 05-31-2024

Added: 03-13-2024

Sponsor: Smoothie King

Type: Sweepstakes | Rules

Instant Win | Normal

Category: Cash-Sweepstakes
Domestic Vacations



Smoothie King is giving away a Dude Perfect Experience for 2 in Frisco, TX including airfare, hotel stay, an afternoon with Dude Perfect at its headquarters, and $10,000 cash (ARV $19,200).  20,500 INSTANT PRIZES of Smoothie King gift card, hats, socks and basketballs. CODE REQUIRED - SEE RULES TO OBTAIN FREE CODE BY MAIL.

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Restrictions: 18+ CODE REQUIRED - SEE RULES TO OBTAIN FREE CODE BY MAIL. Florida residents may only participate in Florida-based locations.

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